女人带上避孕套后bi的图片 女人带避孕套的图片
意见建议:女用避孕套是女性避孕的一种选择.它是由聚氨酯制成,放在阴道内壁,在性交时收集男性精液,阴止精液流入子宫内,来达到避孕效果.女用避孕套能减低性病传染,包括艾滋病毒. 女用避孕套的末端有一个内环,用来放入体内,并安放在耻骨上.而外环在性爱过程中应一直置于阴道外.
你好各中各羊 96aad 嫁掂 comrious, then come forward to look after all, this see, really let me a bit surprised, because I see is not something else, it is a butterfly, but also two butterflies. A light blue, a yellow, but they are all with the rain, in the light of street lamps, I even saw them
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